Friday, 9 July 2010

Hayle Social Enterprise (Jack, Ben)

Ben and Jack have been working in a very professional manner and have spent hours recording footage and filming on location in Hayle. They are coming in beyond term time to complete the video as their partner would like to show it before screenings in the digital cinema 'screen machine' which is visiting Hayle at the height of summer. The product is a promotional video raising awareness about the trust and their aims to develop a Pioneerium. Interviews have been recorded and edited alongside some archive footage of railways and the once thriving port, which was a cradle of the indutrial revolution. Bob McCready of Pirate FM is coming in to record a voiceover next Friday so the finished product should be of broadcast quality. I for one have been very impressed by the dedication, attention to detail and high expectations of the two students involved.

As sometimes happens the production takes over and the recording and reflection in the form of a diary or blog takes a back seat. The assignment briefs lay out what is required in terms of recording the process and these two must ensure that all learning outcomes are addressed. Jack has blog entries throughout the process with some reflection on progress. The dates make it clear that evaluation is happening throughout and decisions and revisions are clearly outlined. Ben will pull it all together over the summer.


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