Thursday, 21 January 2010

40 items to ponder upon in your weblog

1. Who is your client?

2. Outline the brief ?

3. What deadlines have you been asked to work to ?

4. What company will you be working for ?

5. What messages would they like you to convey about their company / product?

6. What is the unique selling point of the company (USP) ?

7. What mediums would they like productions to be created in ?

8. What is the budget for the commission ?

9. What is the Client’s principal goal / mission statement?

10. Which design agency or marketing team would they usually use ? (Competition)

11. Is there anything in particular you would like us to document ?

12. What health and safety requirements should you observe ?

13. What would the client want to see in a good proposal ?

14. What audiences does the client want you to target ?

15. How will the productions be used in the future ?

16. What photography work do you hope to produce ?

17. What video work do you want to produce ?

18. What audio work do you want to produce ?

19. What graphic design work do you want to produce ?

20. What research will you carry out into the target audience and viable products ?

Discuss with client
Focus group
Try products out on a live audience

21. What existing products have you researched ?

22. What budget will you require and how have you researched costs ?

23.Which specific audiences are you targeting ?

24 Gender

25 Age

26 Location

27 Lifestyles

28 Diversity / Ethnicity / Inclusion / Every Child Matters / Lifelong learning

29 How do you expect your audiences to respond to your products ?

30 Why did you interview Emma Kelly ?

31 What influences students to come to Penwith College ?

32 How can you change the perception of Penwith College in the local community ?

33 How would you re-brand the College ?

34 What events can be used to promote the College and your course ?

35 What brand guidelines must you follow in using the College logo ?

36 Analyse the promotional video on the intranet made by TigerX
Compare and contrast this with the videos made for Penwith College in the past

37 Analyse a variety of prospectuses from the last decade

38 Cost your ideas using

39 If you were to re-brand the whole Truro and Penwith College how would you do this?

40 Check you haven't missed anything

Commission (Target Audience)

For this assignment you need to understand the audience for your productions, show an awareness of the different groups that make it, and consider how it is likely to be received.

Assignment overview

In your proposal and in your pitch to your client you must demonstrate a thorough understanding of your target audience. This should be evident in the ideas that you produce to fulfil the commission.

You must demonstrate a thorough and detailed consideration of how your audiences relate to the technology and techniques you aim to use through conducting primary research and reflecting upon this in your proposal

De-construct and analyse marketing materials currently used to promote the College and its different campuses

Interview the marketing team for the College about strategies they use to target different audiences


Show that you can think creatively and record your ideas in an online blog entitled
Process Portfolio/Level 3 / Unit4/ -Commission/Name

• You must also submit a process portfolio to include ;
• A recorded pitch
• A proposal which clearly shows an understanding of the audiences that you are targeting
• Reflection upon results of primary research in your web-log
• Reflection upon the interview with the marketing team in your web-log

Commission (Respond to a Brief)

You have been commissioned by the Director of Penwith College, Martin Tucker, to create multi-media promotional materials for the opening of the new campus

Possibilities that you could explore include ;

Developing multi media promotional materials for course director Sarah Crook promoting the new Creative and Media Diploma

Working alongside the hair and beauty department to film a fashion show

Designing and producing photographic, audio, video and graphic design work which promotes the new campus

Presenting your materials to prospective students at a range of venues

Producing multi –media work which can be displayed on presentation screens or as installations around the new campus

The unit splits into four assignments addressing the following:
• Response to a brief
• Target audience analysis
• Use of techniques and materials
• Project Management
• Feedback and evaluation

Assignment 1/5
This assignment forms part 1 of the project ‘Respond to a Commission from a client’

For this assignment you need to establish a relationship with your client, generate some ideas and create a proposal based on your client’s brief.

You must make contact with your client, meet to discuss his brief and keep minutes

What exactly does he want you to produce ?

How, when and for what market ?

What restrictions will you be working under ?

Who is your client? – (find out as much as possible about the company)

Research the brief to enable you to respond appropriately -

What else is in the market?
How do other companies do it?
What is the Unique Selling Point that you can offer?

Thirdly: Use this research and your understanding of your client to create a detailed proposal and budget

Assignment overview

Meet the client and develop a good relationship
Find out what they want
Conduct primary and secondary research to develop some creative and workable ideas
Present your ideas to the client who will then choose their favourite idea
Develop this idea into a final proposal
You will be given a budget by the client
You will need to cost your proposal accurately to fit this budget


Show that you can think creatively and record your ideas in an online blog entitled
Process Portfolio/ Level 3 / Unit 4/Commission/ Name

Show that you have ;

• generated ideas and explored possibilities

• asked questions to extend your thinking

• made connections between your own and other people’s ideas and experiences in inventive ways

• tried out new alternatives or new solutions and followed ideas through

• adapted ideas as circumstances change

• made notes about client feedback

• You must submit a process portfolio to include ;

• The original brief provided by the client
• Minutes of meeting with your client
• A proposal
• A budget
• Any rough sketches, drafts or research notes

If you want to create electronic copies attach them to your web-log