Wednesday, 25 November 2009


As you reach the final weeks of the project try to check off areas that you have covered against this checklist.

23rd – 27th Filming and editing
30th-4th Editing
7th -11th Completion and Collation of process portfolio
14th-18th – Evaluation

-Presentation (powerpoint, web-site)
-Research notes
-Clive’s essay about ‘ the history of photography
-Updated online blog
-Mind map
- Drafts/designs
-Discussion of ideas in blog
- Time management plan
-Project proposal
-Audience feedback
-Health and safety documentation
-SWOT analysis
-Music Video
-Photography work
-Graphic design work
-Any other marketing materials
-Audience feedback

History of Photography

To complement your presentation you are required to write a well researched article or discursive essay about how capture in the medium of photography has changed over time.

History of Photography

Conduct secondary research and keep your research notes and a bibliography of sources.

You will be assessed on your understanding of:

• past and current practice in photography by providing a historical overview of significant changes in technology and working practices (Include a timeline)

• how factors such as historical developments in technology, society or culture have influenced current practice

(e.g. censorship, commercialism)

Provide a thorough and well-evidenced critical explanation of how factors such as historical developments have influenced current practice.

Aim for an explanatory approach to the way practitioners are used in the discussion
providing images and examples from their work.

By comparing the work of practitioners try to consider the following questions ;

How successful have the practitioners been in employing techniques ?

How have historical developments influenced current practice?

Has technology improved or transformed work in the medium ?

How have social and cultural developments affected the work of practitioners ?

Is the work artistic or commercial ?

• all your research notes
• A research log or bibliography


Outcome 1.5 Understand how to monitor capture work and working processes in order to inform own practice

This assignment forms part 5 of the project ‘Create promotional materials for a new musical artist or band’

Assignment 5 — Monitor and Reflect

Assignment overview

As you research, plan and produce your promotional materials you need to constantly reflect on each stage of the process. Recording your thoughts and opinions in an online journal will allow you to address some of the issues that arise throughout the project. At key points, regular diary or ‘blog’ entries will allow you to critically monitor and continually review your work as you create it.


An online blog which forms a production diary

You will think about the following issues at key points in the process and reflect upon them in your blog ;

1)The reasons behind problems and successes ?
2)How cultural, economic, political and social factors influenced your work ?
3)How you have addressed issues of diversity ?
4)How you have represented social groups and people in your work ?
5)How have you worked during the project ?
6)What external factors affected your work ?
7)How other people might respond to your work ?

Finally respond to this question explicitly at the end of your blog;

How can you use what you have learned in your next project ?


Monitor and reflect on the process and on the way your project relate to wider issues

Remember that the key to success in this outcome is to reflect on progress throughout the project. Your online blog is an ideal way of doing this as it forms a production diary showing development of ideas and consideration of issues that arise. Constant reflection and consideration of personal , learning and thinking skills will allow you to evaluate more effectively.


Building on the contextual work of Assignment 1 (‘research for a presentation’), you will now create multi-media promotional materials to promote a solo artist or band. You can work as part of a group taking on specific responsibilities for an aspect of promotion.

You could ;

Film and edit a promotional music video

Photograph and edit images that promote your artist

Create graphically designed materials to promote your artist

Create audio productions

Develop other appropriate promotional materials utilising the skills that you have developed

You could produce a music video, photography or any other appropriate promotional materials.

As you develop the project, hopefully you will become more ambitious with your ideas for productions


1) A budget

2) punctuality and attendance records

3) A set of rules and protocols for working in each medium

4) A completed time management plan

Follow your plan to complete a capture, adapting ideas as necessary

Manage your project effectively

Work within time and budgetary constraints

Follow professional working practices and industry protocols

Follow good practice in health and safety

Make sure you keep reflecting on the process and audience feedback in your blog.

Monday, 2 November 2009


Develop ideas through a mind map. Explain how you are going to brand your band or artist through visual images ? What messages about the band do you want to communicate to your target audience ?
Be realistic with your locations and consider the availability of your artist. Will they be available for a photography shoot in the studio ?

The biggest obstacle to a successful project is procrastination. Don't put off until tomorrow that which you can accomplish today . Film cutaways of your band rehearsing this week. Lay the audio track on Final Cut Pro so that you can edit to it.

On Friday I will ask for a time-bounded project plan using the dates provided in the scheme of work. You will show me your mind map and submit a draft project proposal.

Bring the lyrics to your song on Friday and we will storyboard the music video.

Good luck

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Explore and Experiment

Outcome 1.3 Be able to explore and experiment with different techniques of capture in a chosen medium or media

This assignment forms part 3 of the project ‘Create promotional materials for a new musical artist or band’

Assignment — Explore and Experiment
Explore and experiment with your idea

Assignment overview

1)Try out various techniques and processes used in graphic design, photography, video editing and audio production

2)Identify ideas for development and discuss them in your online blog

3)Critically consider and reflect on your use of different techniques in your online blog, journal and process portfolio

4)Make connections between your own and other practitioners use of media, materials and techniques in your online blog

5)Produce a range of health and safety documentation for each area you work in


Development of ideas in pre-production documentation and in your journal

(storyboards, drafts, designs, sketches, notes, mind maps)

Health and safety documentation (risk assessments, film permission slips)

Discussion of ideas and progress reflecting on audience feedback in your blog

Discussion of connections between your own and other practitioners work in your blog

Update your process portfolio


To gain the higher marks you must

Imaginatively and inventively explore techniques and creative possibilities

Constantly re-work material and experiment with alternative solutions

React to suggestions made by others

Employ techniques with a high level of consistency and precision

Achieve successful outcomes

Link your work clearly and imaginatively to the work of other practitioners

Use well referenced and carefully chosen examples

Carry out relevant health and safety procedures with care and precision

You will be working on developing skills throughout the project so the final date for submission of evidence is 11th December 2009 when the final productions should be nearing completion.

Good luck.


This brief will be launched when you get back after half term and will be due on 13th November.

Assignment 2 — Plan

Generate and explore ideas for your own capture project, and plan the project

Assignment overview

Building on the contextual work of Assignment 1, you will now create multi-media promotional materials to promote a solo artist or band. You can work as part of a group taking on specific responsibilities for an aspect of promotion.

1)Generate ideas through mind maps, drafts, designs, sketches and storyboards

2)Explore possibilities for capture in a range of media and discuss these in your online blog

3)Select an idea and liase with your client if appropriate.

4)Produce a time-bounded project plan

5)Write a project proposal

6)Pitch this idea to the rest of the group and your client if appropriate

7)Gain audience feedback on your idea through qualitative (focus group) and quantitative (questionnaire) research


An updated and collated Process Portfolio including ;

An online blog discussing development of ideas and reflection on audience feedback

An updated pre-production / research journal showing generation of ideas

A filmed pitch evidencing imaginative, creative and credible idea

A project proposal

A time-bounded project plan


Innovative and imaginative ideas

Extensive and well-focused research into ideas

A thorough and well-detailed project plan

Friday, 9 October 2009


Here is the assignment brief which is also available on MOODLE. You will present your research findings on Monday 19th October or Friday 23rd October.

Outcome 1.1 Understand past and current practice of capture in a chosen medium or media

This assignment forms part 1 of the project ‘Create promotional materials for a new musical artist or band’

Assignment 1 — Investigation

Undertake an investigation into a form of capture, and present the results of your investigation

Assignment overview

For this assignment you must work on your own, even if you are working in a group for the next assignment.

You must investigate past and current work in the mediums of music video and photography.

De-construct at least one music video or image per practitioner to support your analysis

Compare and contrast the work of two practitioners.

One must be a contemporary photographer or director and could be someone you interview about their own work as part of a visit or through your own primary research

For example,

The work of Lasse Halstrom and Chris Cunningham (Music Video)

The work of Linda McCartney and Nick Knight (Photography)


You must conduct secondary research and, if appropriate, primary research.

Your investigation must aim to explain:

the techniques and technology used by two practitioners per medium

how previous work differs from current work

why previous work differs from current work

how technologies and techniques vary from one example to another

how practices, methods and techniques have changed over time

which techniques and methods have you found interesting and inspiring


Your research notes must be collected together, clearly labelled, and put in your Unit 1 Process Portfolio.

Your online production diary in the form of a blog must also be developed and updated


You will present the results of your research in an oral presentation or a written report

Option One ) Deliver an illustrated presentation of approximately ten minutes.

Be creative with your methods of presentation and include images or video clips.

For example you could create a;

Powerpoint presentation

An online blog

A magazine article


After your presentation you must update your Unit 1 Process Portfolio. The Process

Portfolio must contain:

  • all your research notes

  • paper copies of the text, powerpoints, details of video excerpts and slides for your presentation

  • Online blog

Presentations will take place on Monday 19th October

Presentations will be recorded as part of the evidence


You will be assessed on your understanding of:

past and current practice in capture in the chosen medium or media (assessment focus 1)

how factors such as historical developments have influenced current practice (assessment

focus 1)

how different practitioners have approached the process of capture in your chosen medium

or media (assessment focus 1).

The mark you are given will contribute to your final mark for this unit.

To achieve the higher marks you must provide a well-evidenced, critical explanation of your


Good luck

Tuesday, 15 September 2009


Welcome to the start of a great adventure on the Creative and Media Diploma rollercoaster. Your weblog will form a key part of the evidence for your units, particularly for productoin diaries and any reflective work. We will constantly be updating and analysing our progress as we create a range of wonderful productions. You can personalise your blog and as you become more adept you can embed video and audio clips and really be creative with the medium. Start exploring the possibilities and use this platform for showing us how your work is progressing.

Begin by setting up your own blog and linking it to mine. Add photos and create a profile.