Wednesday, 25 November 2009


Outcome 1.5 Understand how to monitor capture work and working processes in order to inform own practice

This assignment forms part 5 of the project ‘Create promotional materials for a new musical artist or band’

Assignment 5 — Monitor and Reflect

Assignment overview

As you research, plan and produce your promotional materials you need to constantly reflect on each stage of the process. Recording your thoughts and opinions in an online journal will allow you to address some of the issues that arise throughout the project. At key points, regular diary or ‘blog’ entries will allow you to critically monitor and continually review your work as you create it.


An online blog which forms a production diary

You will think about the following issues at key points in the process and reflect upon them in your blog ;

1)The reasons behind problems and successes ?
2)How cultural, economic, political and social factors influenced your work ?
3)How you have addressed issues of diversity ?
4)How you have represented social groups and people in your work ?
5)How have you worked during the project ?
6)What external factors affected your work ?
7)How other people might respond to your work ?

Finally respond to this question explicitly at the end of your blog;

How can you use what you have learned in your next project ?


Monitor and reflect on the process and on the way your project relate to wider issues

Remember that the key to success in this outcome is to reflect on progress throughout the project. Your online blog is an ideal way of doing this as it forms a production diary showing development of ideas and consideration of issues that arise. Constant reflection and consideration of personal , learning and thinking skills will allow you to evaluate more effectively.


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